Goodbye to You

I watch you
Observe from a silent distance,
Afraid to do much else for the uncertainty that fallows
You notice me sometimes, I think
But we glance away and hope neither has seen
I want to talk to you,
I want to get to know you
Know the person behind the name better
But it’s a confusing world of awkward unknowingness.

You’re leaving soon, anyway
So what’s the point of coming out?
What’s the point of saying my feelings?
When it’ll only make the situation tenser
More confusing, right?
Besides, would a cliché story ending be the right here?
You’re leaving for another country, continent even
And I’ll just be leaving you with that thought if I do

So… this is goodbye
Something I don’t want to do, but must be done
We’ll never meet again
I hope your life turns out alright
I hope your enjoyed your time here
I hope you got back home with good memories
No awkward tenseness as you remember…..
