To Believe This Is True Can Only Lead To Broken Hearts

Sitting here
Waiting there
Watching people walk by
Wondering what to do
Stay with you
Or leave you Behind
Seeking advice
Searching my soul
For the one answer
That can change it all
Hoping you can see
What you have done
Wishing you wont throw away
All that has become.
Blaming me
For your mistakes
Hurts me more than you know.
We were fools for thinking
Love at first sight was real.
Yousay I'm your princess
And you my prince.
I wont to believe
That all you said is true
But thinking deep down
That it was all a lie.
You say you love me
and sure you show it
ButI dont know
What to believe.
What you are doing
Doesnt seem like love to me.
I'm finding it hard to trust
All you have told me.
Maybe I will one day
If you can change you ways.
Changing your mind constantly
On whether you trust me or not
Makes me wonder
The same about you.
You make it hard
For you to have my trust
If you wont let me have yours.
Everything I do
Never seems to make you happy
When that's all I really want to do.
But you make it hard
By wollowing in your own self pity
Wishing and hoping
For the old you back
Is the only thing i can do.
I cant wait for you forever
Although I want to
This breaking heart
Cant break no more.
You have one more chance
To make things right.
So choose wisely
On what you will do.
One more wrong and I'll be gone
Walking away from you
Thinking of what could've been.
And if that happens,
I know it will hurt.
But both you and I know
That we will be alright.
Or so we can only hope.