

He ate fungi from cow shit on a farm,
he had blood-shot eyes and train tracks up his arm

He'll end up selling everything including the clothes off his back,
he would even sell his children for a piece of crack

He will lose his house and his furniture too,
he can get robbed when he's high and he'll have no clue

He gets pulled over by the cops doesn't want them to know,
that he has a probe full of cocaine shuved up his buh hoh

He will get very skinny and lose all his teeth,
he will spend his whole welfare check on a 50 piece

One crackhead, two crackhead, three crackhead, four,
dude,you just finished that crack rock now you want more?

He'll get excited when i call the plumber one day,
cuz ill tell that plumber "put that crack away"

I'll say the crackhead messed has messed up his life,
he has lots of mood swings and beats his wife

He would always choose crack over soda pop,
and i always see him selling things at the pawn shop

They will do stupid things, very STUPID decisions they made,
they will run with scissors and play catch with a grenade

A druggie's house hardly has food and is full of bugs,
who the fuck needs food stamps when you can sell them for drugs

But druggies are not such bad people as you see,
I can pay a druggie to rob me and XBOX360!
