Unclosed Doors

I’m single now, and it truly hurts
To know that I still love that someone
But I loved another first
People have asked me out countless of times
But the one person I love says on my mind
I’m sitting in the cold darkened night
Thinking if the decision I made was right
I fall to my knees in the poring rain
Trying to cope with all this pain
I look up to a helping hand
And there you stand
I look into your eyes
So beautiful they hypnotize
I stare at the big pools of green
And think of everything we’ve been in
I take your hand, still looking at you
You pull me up, and bring me closer to you
Feeling you embrace me
Made me think of what we use to be
Watching memories fly by I start to cry
Than you hug me tighter and kiss my sadness goodbye
I wish to be with you once more, to be yours
I’m hoping that you have yet to close those doors