My New Angel, and This Time, You're Real

Washing one way
Flipping another

I see your face
Tears build in my eyes
You hug me
Tell me every thing will be alright

I cry harder
You tell me your always there for me
I believe you
You helped me

I was lost
And alone
she had left me
But you came to my rescue
You helped me swim
You helped me stay

Your voice made me smile
Your words made me laugh
You support me
And I support you
We're alone in this water of black
But I can see my self getting to the other end
With you by my side

Will you still swim next to me?
When I try to drown?
Will you still laugh with me?
When I go way to high?
Up into the light?
Will you catch me?
When I fall back down?

I need you now
My new Angel
My new Hope
My Myia