With You

the night i fell in love with you
was the night i felt so true
every night i stayed up late
talking to you like it was fate
i had this feeling, a feeling so new
and evey night i talked to you, it grew
this feeling was like no other
and no words that i could ever utter
coulde ever explain this feeling i have for you
that's why it feels so true
every night, you were all i'd drempt about
and every day you were all i could think about
the thought of having you was the greatest thing
you made my heart sing
i drempt about us together, but never thought it'd come true
but in the end, tee hee, now i have you
the second you asked me out my hert skipped a beat
and my body went numb down to my feet
sorta like the time when i felt so true
the night i fell in love with you