Good Old Skinny Jeans

Rummaging through my wardrobe
It really isn't fair
I'm surrounded by clothes
But with nothing to wear

You see I may see this boy
Its that day of the week
And if I get to see him
Don't want to look like a freak

It's really pathetic
Changing my style
Just to see him
As if I'm on trial

But if he actually likes
What I make myself be
I realise now
He won't like the real me

So I grab my old skinnies
And a shirt from my drawer
Without a glance in the mirror
I walk straight out the door

I'm feeling so good and walk
With just the hint of a strut
There's no going back now
No ifs, and no buts

He's walking towards me
Just as I had hoped
If I'd worn some ridiculous dress
I just wouldn't have coped

But in my good old skinnies
I don't even break my stride
I realise now
I've got nothing to hide

He's smiling at me
And I'm smiling back too
We talk, and I think
'He likes you, he likes you!'

And I'm really so glad
That he likes me for me
Its the person I am
The person I want him to see

If they don't like me for who I am
They're not worth a second glance
Don't hide yourself away
Be yourself, take the chance