Stop Animal Cruelty

Horses have given us their trust,
Is slaughter how we repay them?
So what if one decided to turn,
Made us pay for all the pain we put them through.

I'm am very curious,
So i have a look.
I take one step into the cave,
Fear washes over me,
Yet i can't turn back,
The curiosity consumes me.

Deeper and deeper,
I explore
Suddenly I stop
I panic
Rocks fall behind me.

I spin round there's nothing there
I turn back around to start walking again
And there in front of me
A pair of great, big, yellow eyes
Are staring at me.
Then everything stopped
Like time froze

I wake, it was all a wonderous dream
I look across the room
And there they were
The big, yellow eyes
Staring back at me like they were before
The bridle with the broken reins
The horse i recognize from my childhood
The horse left for death
With no muscle no fat
Just skin and bones

I heard a whisper inside my head
It said
"I have come back to you to say
I have gone to a better place"
The palomino horse with black hair
started to fade
I try to say I'm sorry
And all I heard was....

It's all words all words, Nothing more nothing less.
Nothing can change what happened