Only You

I lied,

because you hurt me,

and its easiest for me to act,

like nothing’s hurting me when you're the reason why I bleed,

from the inside out,

my soul cried out and reached,

but you were not speaking,

not speaking to me.

I didn’t mean a thing I said,

all your thoughts, are going through my head,

and it hurt,

to know what you think,

and see,

I lied because its easiest for me,

if my heart is not an open book,

that only you can read.

Only you, only you can read me.

Because, only you can read me,

only you can.

Only I can tell you, most everything I plan,

only if you can listen,

just like when we were kids,

to my deepest hearts desires,

if only you still did…

only you could break my heart,

yeah you tore me half apart,

but you never knew, thank God,

how everything you said to me,

was true.

Only you.