“Do They Hear Her Cries?”

Do they hear her? Do they even care? Do they want to help or is that just one lest to bear?

No one hears her silent cries of pain. She puts on a smile so no one asks that one question that makes her want to just run away. Its just a game that they play they asks how are you? But what are you suppose to say yeah I guess and they just walk away. Will anyone every break that chain? But until then they will walk away.

Will anyone every hear her will anyone every care? Will anyone ever stop and say do you want to pray. Is she just the one that will fall away? No because the savior is that stopping hand! The one to stop and say turn around go this way. She had to learn the hard way that people will fall away. But us as God’s people shouldn’t we help her find her way. Don’t let this one fall through the cracks and step away. We are God’s people but are we doing our job’s?
Do we wear the same face in and out of the Church? Our we sending mixed singles? We need to be deferent if we aren’t how can they tell that we are God’s bought with a price?
Will we ever hear her?