pursuit of light

darkness shrouds my soul,
leaving it to linger,
within a void of midnight black,
no air to breathe, no soul to see, or hear my pleads for mere mercy,
enduring the reality of remaining a meaningless soul is how i am forced to stay,
desperately searching, reaching for a light to lead my destined way,
to break through the darkness,
shining upon a path of fate,
saying to myself that this what i was always suppose to take,
it would heal my withered soul,
protect it from the cold,
prevent it from being deprived from anymore cherished happiness,
that still managed to lie,
somewhere deep within,
hidden from that vicious and immoral black sky,
ruining my sight,
those sparks of joy, warm cheerful memories i could no longer see,
but this light i knew lay somewhere close or far from me,
however long it took,
i no longer cared,
for i would seek its shimmering presence,
pursue to where it lead,
out from those black gates of misery
and submerge within my most blissful destiny.