Lost dreams

no matter what her attempts may be,
she always seems to fail,
her passions obscured,
beneath the darkest veil,
and here she remains trapped,
by such lonely isolation,
as though she were engulfed within a shroud of black dust,
all alone with such a hopeless sensation,
what am i to do?
she wails,
scared of what is to be,
where am i to go?
to them its just mere me,
should she keep on trying?
hoping for the best,
her dreams continuously dieing,
is this some sort of test?
questioning her dedication,
her persistence and determination,
if it is?
is she destined to fail?
once more,
once again,
her wishes shattered,
those little insignifivant pieces,
blown beneath the wicked dark weil,
where am i to go?
i feel lost,
is all she can say,
please show me a different way,
i feel lost,
i feel lost,
is all she cries,
echeing throughout the night sky.