Writer's Block

No words...
Now words enter my mind...
No verb...no adjective...just nothing but an absent mind.
I type and write, I write and type, but not a single sentence enters my mind.
Blank, just blank.
No adverbs to describe my character's next action.
No plot...
No theme...
No time...
It's the giant block that occupies inside my brain. It does what it is...it blocks my ideas!
No chance...No way of getting it out of my brain.
It's there, inside and it won't come out.
And though it's not as solid as a real cement block, it's big enough to take my space.
Just take it. Blocking. Everything.
I can't think...
I can't write...
It's writer's block I tell you! Uninvited guest!
Clouding my thoughts...
Canceling my new ideas...
It's frustrating me!
It's writer's block! Can't you see?!
It's here, right beside me!