Fall Into Place.

"It's better to have loved and lost, than to never have loved at all."

Don't you wish that life was always this easy?
You love,
You lose,
And you just move on.

Sleepless nights
Would never come
When you are here
In the land of love

Don't you wish
That this was all a dream
A horrible,
Horrible nightmare?

That when you wake up
It will all be over
And there will be no worries
And you'll be as free as ever

But this is reality
And this is not
Your fictional little
Perfect staged world.

You have hopes and dreams
But they aren't always
Going to work out the way you want them to
And you'll just have to get over it.

Stop those tears
They won't help a thing
How could you think
They could bring on a smile?

You're starting to think
That never loving was easier
Than having to go on
Knowing that no one loves you anymore

But don't think this way dear
Please don't be afraid
Maybe someday things will
Just fall into place.