My Best Friend


Johnny Depp's POV

He's gone.

My best friend and pal Hunter S Thompson.

Dead at the age of 67.

Suicide by a gunshot wound.

He made Gonzo journalism.

He was a writer and a genius.

He called me "Colonel Depp" and "Doctor Depp".

Now, all I have are my memories of him.

Talking with each other whenever I came to visit.

Sharing secrets.

Like best friends should.

But I never knew his deepest dark secret, the one he kept hidden from me.

He was in so much pain.

Rest in peace, Hunter.

Even in death, you are my best pal.

I will not forget you.


Hunter S. Thompson
(July 18, 1937 – February 20, 2005)
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Well, I hope you like this poem. :)