I'm Done Waiting

All around me
I see all these couples
perfectly in love......

They are so in love
that when they look at each other
it seems that to them they are the only two people there

I have to wonder every time I see this
where is my perfect someone?
someone that will hold me close
when I'm about to cry.......
someone that will let me ramble to them about nothing
just because they like it when I talk.....

"Don't worry they're out there somewhere"
that's what they all say.....
"You just have to wait"
oh yeah.....well what if I'm done waiting?
what if I'm finally ready?

Ready to have someone to hold me close.....
Someone that would love me,
every side of me ..... the good and the bad.

I'm done waiting,
I've done it long enough.....
because people don't know
if I'll ever find that "perfect someone"
my other half......

They all try to cover it up
by trying to convince me
how I'm so pretty,
so cute and adorable.

Well then if I'm so attractive
then why don't I have a boyfriend?

I know I don't really need one right now.....
that there are more important things
but sometimes it's just nice to know.....

To know that someone likes you
and would give anything just be with you and to be close to you....
to hug and kiss you openly
without worrying what others think
because the only thing on his mind is.....