The Perfect Guy

I’m waiting for a guy,
The guy of my dreams
My Prince Charming has gotta be out there somewhere,
And I’m not going to settle until I get him

Heavens forbid he be perfect,
He’s got to have his flaws.
I have them too so it’s no big deal,
And they’ll be what makes me love him.

He’ll be the one guy who won’t break my heart,
Who I won’t be scared of taking a chance with.
He’ll be my best friend through everything,
And he’ll never let me go.

He’ll love me even when I’m not having a pretty day,
And will deal with me even when I’m PMSing.
He’ll hold my hand no matter who’s around,
And will know exactly the right times to tell me I’m beautiful.

He’ll be able to say he loves me and mean it,
And we’ll never want to be apart.
He’ll call me once an hour when we are though,
Just hear my voice.

He’ll throw stuffed animals at me when I’m being stupid,
And we’ll make out in the pouring rain.
He’ll hug me when I need it and kiss my forehead when I’m sad,
He’ll wake up at two in the morning just so I can talk to him.

He won’t care when I embarrass him around his friends,
He’ll just tease me around mine.
Neither of us will care because we’re together,
We’ll never leave each other.

There will be no reason to worry about losing the other,
We’ll be together forever.
He’ll love me and I’ll love him,
He’ll never break my heart.