
This wasn’t supposed to happen. But, it did and I couldn’t help it. My body felt so weak, so empty. I lost connection to the real me. But who’s to say this wasn’t the real me. Who was here to tell me that these voices weren’t normal? No one. Tears came like breaths to me, So easy. Smiling was foreign to me, because I never thought about it. I never really thought about anything, actually. These voices distracted me from the real world. It’s like inside of me was a young girl fighting to be free. But on the outside was this torn human, That barely spoke. My body ached for someone’s soft touch, to bring me back to life. My skin was cold and pale, as if I were meant to be dead –I felt like it. It had been months since I’d felt a loving touch amongst my bare skin or the simple words to reassure me I was loved. There were times I’d considered suicide. But the voices always begged and pleaded for me to give them another chance. So I’d stand in front of my mirror. I’d grab my hair and scream until it hurt. Just to feel alive, just to know I really exist.