They reap what we sow

The day has darkened, the sun has gone
Lush green trees are battered asif besieged
Sky, blue as sea has turned to most abysmal of grey
Even in the darkest days as such, light can be found.

The blades of grass weave in and out with the wind
Softly flowing like a sea of lush green waves
Flowers that were once bloomed and full of life
Now shrivled and darkened, asif taken by death itself

As the time goes by, all these things change
Sadly tis only in view, not in nature
fallen trees lay scattered admist the land
Felled to help us survive, to go on.

In doing that deed, is it to give or to take life?
Is one sacrafice worth that which it is for?
Or shall it be one step closer to the ever nearing end
For it is in this that we do, which will shape the world to come

Be it for those who are still to come