More Important Things To Say

You say clocks are mute.
And I remember
the sound of your skin cracking against my dead teeth-
bare naked walls and screaming
They speak just FINE, thank you, despite their speech impediments!

You chewed those matching numbers up
with citrus, and tangerines, and oh
don't forget circus.
Because the symbols underneath your finger nails
never made much sense
to you

The bricks behind the ticking were
beginning to sway,
and we never really thought we
could catch them.
But, FUCK,
how we wanted too- how we tried!

The clocks?
Oh, they're doing swimmingly
in the sense that they're
half drowning,
half floating above the water,
and even though all those fractions have been USED up,
half pouring that water into a
fucking BUCKET!

The clocks?
They just have too many
important things to say.
Silly you,
that's why they can't speak.