The Real You.

if im not here tomorrow
theres somethings i want to say

life threw things at me
that i thought i couldnt handle
but i pulled through
most of the time without you.

dont get me wrong i love you all
but at times you all seemed blind
deaf to my calls
and the signs plastered on the walls

my friends they were always the best
they never let me fall without being there to catch me
they understood most things
and took me under their wing

the most complicated word
that meant something so simple
that i need you

boy you kept me alive the most
its because of you that i tried
you made me smile
you made me laugh
even when i wanted a day to be my last

the thing that never wanted to accept me
judged i was
hated here and there
but what did i need from it anyways?

all i needed was my circle
the people that cared
the people that were there

my life was complicated
yet it could be explained with a simple word
i had chaos here and there

young years seemed to be tourture
as i grew i turned the hate into a source of drive
i formated myself into something that could not break
something that would withstand the hardest blow

as i got older
i got soft
the people seemed to love me
for who i was
something new to me.

i realized what it was like to laugh again
a real laugh
to the point where your about to pass out
from lack of oxygen

to smile like you just won the biggest prize
to love someone no matter what
to need them
to be happy with them by your side

lifes to short
to stand around
with regrets weighing down your heart
throw them away
start over

the real you.
is whats left over.