Me and the World

I am justa child, pure and pathetic
but I am the devil you fear, alien and apathetic
That fear that drove you, many years ago
Start the fire, start teh war, take the murder for I am just a crow

You thought me of God that watches over us.
Told me that he guides our lives and in him we trust
Your divine providence has curved the path I'll take
How can you say that this is a mistake.?

The evil in me is the purpose in you
Sent to protect teh innocence as i grew
What possess the person i have been
To embrace the act of my sin.?

It's rebellion in the simplest degree
To ignore what it is I'm supposed to be
For teh person that I think I am
When in reality, taht person is a sham

I am just a child, the next generation
I am your future and you deny my creation
That I was sent here, to fix what you've broken
Stop the fire, stop the war, take back what you've stolen.