The Dream

It doesn't rhyme, I'm too lazy (or too untalented) to write real poems. ;)

And when night falls over the world I dream myself away. Off to far lands unexplored and hidden. Hidden beneath high treetops, sun shimmeres through emerald leaves on a deep dark earth. The sound of talking trees, telling stories so old. The scent of this spell awakens my every senses. I’m there. Arrived the place where my heart belongs. Listening to tales of a lost time and bringing them back to life in my mind.
A free spirit has no limits; it will forever carry on it’s way through the dephts of this worlds, seeking them, exploring them, uncovering their secrets and yet, it understands none of them for they are far beyond it’s comprehension.
And a cold breeze blows through the forest, causing me to shiver. And as I open my eyes I realize my dream is over…