Ending of school.

I walked out the gates a smile on my face
Saw my friends go on and waved them goodbye
But now im sat here typing away
A tear rolling down my cheek as I think of goodbyes.
My friends all say ‘Keep in contact’
I reply with ‘Try stop me’ before smiling again.

The tears stayed put,
Until I sat on the floor.
I flicked through the pages
And looked at the top.
Messages of good luck and well wishes throughout
One catches my eye and I read it again.
She says ‘I should have been a better friend’
I smile and remember my contradiction.

The tears start again
And I climbed off the floor.
The friends I have loved
Are now gone.
The friends I need to keep
All have other plans ahead.
I grab a tissue and wipe away a stray tear.
As I say to myself ‘Pull it together’.

I sat here the night before goodbye
I told myself don’t cry tomorrow.
I said be brave.
I kept to that all day,
Hugged my friends as they cried
But the tears wanted to fall.
As soon as I was alone they ignored my command
They started to fall.

The teachers said ‘Good luck in exams’
I smiled and said thanks before walking away.
The corridors seemed empty,
All my friends gone on their way.
I said goodbye
But now all I want to do is say hello again.

The best of friends were formed here
New and old all gone now
But at the end of the day,
Ill always have the memories
And the odd photo.
The ending of school came too soon.
And now ive said goodbye, all I want to do is say hello one last time.