
I wake up to the alarm blaring
Roll over and smack it off
Smile at the ceiling
Its time to say ‘Hello’

I climb out of bed
Rummage through my wardrobe
Pull out the clothes
And through them on
Its time to say ‘Hello’

I comb through my hair
Pull it back in bun
Smile at the reflection
Before slicking on make up
My reflection smiles back
Its time to say ‘Hello’

I run down the stairs
Chuck on my shoes
Shout through the door to my parents
Tell them ‘Morning’ and see you later on
Its time to say ‘Hello’

I walk out the door
Smile at my friends
Walk over to them
Its time to say ‘Hello’

With all of the air in my lungs
I drag in a deep breath
Shout at the top of my lungs

It’s been time to say ‘Hello’
I love to say ‘Hello’