With Love...

he's the one that i love, but he just doesn't know. he's my heavenly angel, sent from above. Let me for a minute or two, pour out my heart to you, hold me close and never let me go. Keep my broken heart from cracking once more as we walk on this world with sorrow. Keep my razor stained wrists from bleeding too much, I think I’m in love. as we hold ourselves together with safety pins and stitches that never seem to hold, he's the one that keeps my porcelain heart from cracking all over again. he's got it figured out , but he keeps running into walls. quit crying baby, i'm here.

(not exactly a poem, more like a loveletter that occasionally rhymes. anyone know what this would be? monologue? poem? i have no freakin clue. anyways, comment and tell me what you thought.)