
My heart is falling,
too many feelings came to the surface all at once.
My head is screaming,
with things I want and probably will, do to myself.
To say 'I love you',
how many times can you lie and act like everything's fine?
Digging my nails in my arm,
the same old things come up in this mess.
A friend,
I love so much, that I don't think I could live without.
A friend,
who finds me on the floor crying my eyes out.
They see me,
with the little red sets of angry stripped on my arms, legs, any piece of skin available.
They don't do anything about it.
Do you know how much it hurts,
to say such a big part of yourself to someone you thought was important, and have them do nothing?
My body's growing cold with every little thing wrong,
numb is something I'm close to.
I just really want to know,
if there's anyone who would try and help me.