To Us Now or Never

People worry about the future
too much and not on now.
What if this happens?
And if they are the one?
What then?
It's here now,
it's here
and you'll miss it.
Remeber then always
before it could turn to mush.
How he/she worked hard all day
just for you
as you never knew
and possibly may never know.
How much they love you
take the time to tell your lover
how much you love them
while they can still hear you.
Even when it's difficult to say.
tell them 'I love you' and meet them half way.
And when they can't remember
have hope they will
as you remind them every day
you love them and who you are.
To say if your not paying attention,
please do.
For there are always things that are scary.
Really it's just a weakness in life.
Take care of each other's hearts,
their everything.
Even when you are both old
And the other is senile.
Forever tell them.
Tell them 'I love you'.
Tell them 'I don't ever wan to live without you'.
Tell them "You've changed my life'.
Make a plan and set a goal for now,
work towards it
but every time,
look every now and then.
To look around and drink the events into our memories.
For this is it,
this is now
and it might be all gone