Death of a Girl

The years go by,
Day after day, you watch me cry.
You try to cheer me up,
But I do not smile,
The pain that I feel now has been here for a while.
I look at the sky,
I hate the need to cry.
The clouds are gray,
You continue to try to find the right words to say.
The pain has consumed me,
So I continue to cry,
The pain will only go when I finally die.
But, still, I breathe,
Breaths so shallow.
Can’t someone save me from this horrid sorrow?
But then I look at tomorrow,
What am I to do?
When I can’t even tell you,
I truly will always love you?
While I wait,
The pain is burning inside of me,
I am becoming the exact thing I DON’T want to be.
I cry my tears of blood, they grow into a river.
The room grows cold as I start to shiver.
My head is aching like crazy,
I wish someone would come and save me!
But would my hero come even if I don’t ask?
But who would want to take on this deadly task?
I grab a knife and plunge it through my heart,
In a few minutes, the pain and I will be apart.
You gently lift my head,
As my mouth releases a river of red.
I watch you cry,
To hide the tears, you most definitely try.
I smile at you, my lips wet with blood,
I put my hand on your cheek,
My body is becoming quite weak.
I take in a deep breath,
Fighting back the black of death.
You grab my hand,
Pull me up, but I cannot stand.
I’m crying tears I don’t want you to see,
I feel you shake as you hold me.
The end is near, I feel it pulling me.
Down, down, down I go.
When I’ll stop, no one knows.
As the pain inside slowly grows.
I look up at you,
You kiss me as I take my last breath of air.
You hold me close,
Your face buried in my brown hair.
I clutch your shoulder,
Waiting for the frightening pain to finally be over.
I close my eyes,
I hear your cries.
You’re so far away.
I don’t want to go,
Please let me stay!
It’s too late now,
I’m gone for good.
I feel the fire, pulling my body into eternity,
It’s hell, and it won’t release me.