
Out of sight out of mind,
Invisible and all alone,
Words lost and so confined,
I'm pleading for a bone.

Once there was something
Now so lost and frail.
Nothing left to cling,
It’s time to turn tail.

Bleeding on the floor
Tears streaked cheeks
You walk out the door
I’m too weak to speak

The blood is pooled around,
Lights are fading fast.
Voices ringing with no sound,
Everything is the past,

It’s all going now;
It’s just a memory.
So here’s my solemn vow:
You’ll never be my enemy

In my heart you will stay
Just like the good old days
That’s what I say
As you walk away
♠ ♠ ♠
Written to a friend as a version of what happened between us. The speaker could be anyone, and the situation could be almost anything that has ruined a friendship. Stanza four is meant ti be taken more metaphoricalm, with symbolysim in the Ligth, Blood, and Voices.
I hope you enjoy