I Am Me

When we talk, you tell me that life is good.
I want to know why you think so, because I don't think it is.

I never do anything right, and I never will.

You say I should be someone else,
But who else would I be?

I like being different.

You say that I'm special.
I ask in what way.

If I'm so special, why don't I feel like it?

Then, you turn around and tell me that your disappointed in me.
I say that you should be, I do bad things.

You ask what type of things could I possibly do.
I say, "Things you should only have nightmares about."

You tell me I shouldn't do those things then.
I reply, " That's why I'm different."

You think you're right about everything.
You're wrong, I know you.

You say I shouldn't focus so much on being smart.
I say, "my intelligence is all I will ever have. Without it, I'll never get anywhere."

You tell me that I don't act like a normal teenager.
I'm NOT normal. No one is. I'm different, and I'm proud to be me.