A NightTime Dream

long days that never end
keep me wishing
for a peaceful nighttime dream
were all i see
is you and me

as i close my eyes
the pain of a bad day
just seems to slip away
a smile reaches from ear to ear
nothing could be better

then a peaceful night
jsut you and me
siting there on that balcony
wind in you hair
the gleam in your eyes
i know i am safe here

there is noone else
this is my dream
i jsut wont it to be you and me
i watch the sun set
though your eyes
as i wisper your my sunshine

the stars will shine
the moon will rise
they brighten up the sky
setting the mood
for a peaceful night

the fireflys dance
in the yard
your in my arms
my heart skips a beat
time stands still
in this dream perfection is found

in my dream
morning never comes
i just want this to last
here with you in my arms
your eyes get heavy

you start to dose
that is when i know
this will last
forever just you and me
sugar and sunshine

living our lives
like a dream
come to life
together forever with you
here laying in my arms