
Lavender, Daisies, Dandelions, Rose.
The tale this rhyme speaks, nobody knows.
Of romance, Of sorrow, tragedy, perchance?
Will it end happy or in a mischance?

Willow, Birches, Pines, and Palm
Just let it happen, we’ll hear no qualm.
So on we continue, it must just be.
Whether be blithe, or dark, or simply gloomy.

Daffodil, Iris, Poppies, Snap-Dragons
Go back, remain, they are each poisons.
So pick your own, much further you’re stuck,
Turn away now, if you’ve got guts and some luck.

Aspen, Chestnut, Maple and Oak
This is the verse a young girl once spoke.
She sang to perfection this ghastly ode,
Due to mistake her soul was hollowed.

Bleeding-heart, Lilies, Tulip, Bellflower.
This event lavished a brutal power.
The sunny blond locks and crystalline eyes
Hid the within, formed a lovely disguise.

Basswood, Cherry, Crabapple, and Spruce.
Between her and her monsters, formed a truce.
She sang the song, while they lay in wait,
Trapped in her trance, the innocents met fate.

Foxglove, Lupine, Baby’s-breathe.
All the ill-fated soon met their death
At the teeth of the ravenous monsters released
No one knew the sweet, pure girl was a beast.
She was as monster as those she let loose
Her demonic hatred, no one could diffuse.
And to her dead song, all listened so,
Who could blame them? They didn’t know.
Her voice was small as she sang the melody,
But hordes it drew in, she would become dizzy-
Dizzy with the rush of her awful talent
And with it audacity soon became flagrant.
So if it is you hear of this dreadful lyric
Turn-way straight off, you don’t want to be near it

However, we find it is sad to say
The warning we gave was a bit too late
This is that song, now somebody knows,
Lavender, Daisy, Dandelion, Rose.