Look At You Now

Take the high road, don't go down there again,
You've been there once, you've seen what it did.
You messed up bad, but look at you know,
You've cleaned up good, you make people proud.
You can say no, and choose something new,
That's what all your new friends tell you to do.
The old ones would join you, and push you ahead,
Making you worse, almost making you dead.
Look at the light, coming out of your eyes,
Its a good thing you left, good thing you survived.
The drugs left you weak, and shadowed and bruised,
The drinking left you scared and alone and abused.
The boys left you crying, and you seemed to be dying,
But somehow no one seemed to care about you.
You tried and you tried to break free of their grasp,
Even though deep down you enjoyed it.
You enjoyed the free road and the freedom you were given,
Even if it meant slowly withering to nothing.
You started to gain back your conscience,
Your brain and the sense of survival.
You took ahold of your life and you rearranged the pieces,
Turning this nightmare into a dream.
You woke up to the light and the beauty of day,
Hating the night that was behind you.
You walked away from the people you thought you loved,
You started you life right from scratch.
Look at you know, look how you shine,
Look how you make people happy.