In the End

This poem is a rip off of the frist poem I ever worte in 7th grade, to my Great Grandma. At the time she had just had her 1st stroke and everyone was scared she was going to die, she didn't die until almost year ago, but it was the thought that when your time comes we will miss you that inspired my 1st poem. Though I wasn't close to my Great Grandma, (I wish we were.) she's always been sepical to me because it was her that inspired my 1st poem and with that, my talent being discovered and my dream of becoming a writer. I've always felt like she gave that too me. I didn't cry at her fuenerual, but when I got home and I watched AI (A great movie) the one part were David was left alone, got to me and I cried a few tears. I will always remember my Great Grandma and the holidays we spent with her.

Great Grandma 2008

In The End

When your time comes
There will be tears
And great sadness.
You'll be missed
We'll wollow in misery
Before moving on
A place in our hearts
You'll forever keep
How we thought this day,
though long forseen
would never come.
Now you're gone
Tears have been shed
Your memory kept
Not of the time you
Were sick, but alive and well.
How you're missed,
How some ache for you.
That haunting nightmare
Wakes in the night.
Holding tight
To what we knew was you
Feeling oddly sepical
Only wish, that you knew me now.
You grew old,
but your heart well seen
In your memory,
Were we and
Into ours you are.