What My Brother Said

What is Hell?
Cold or hot,
Swift or slow,
What is not?

What is Heaven?
Soft and calm,
Fields of love,
Or demon spawn?

My brother said,
Don't worry, Grey,
One day we'll all be dead.

He said life is one big punishment,
For mortal sin long times ago.
Well, here, come closer, I'm told.

Don't worry, Grey,
It's time I taught you,
How to stand,
How to choose,
And how I ran.

My brother said,
Life's not a mistake,
It's something carefully planned.

He told me that,
Don't worry so,
I'll show you how to brave this land.

Take risks, have fun,
'Cause once you're caught,
You're one step closer to getting to run.

It feels so good,
To put it all behind,
When you know in death it counts for nothing.
While others live their life to hide.

They fear one they've never seen before,
Each prayer to the sun, or a night on the run,
For a truth that lies in lore.

Tell me, Grey, what a shame,
That the tides choose how far to flow,
Or the winds guess how hard to blow.
In truth, I guess, it's all a game.

My brother said,
Don't worry, Grey,
One day we'll all be dead.
Don't worry, Grey,
Some day you'll understand.

You'll find the truth one day, he says,
And then you'll see,
You'll see what lies,
Behind your eyes,
But watch out for the price it pays.

Don't worry, Grey,
One day we'll all be dead.
Don't worry about the cost,
It's not for you to look into yet.

That's what he said,
And here I thought,
If you get caught,
All that's left is the end.

But no, he said, don't worry Grey,
Just take a breath and run.
Don't worry, Grey,
Just look at me; I won.

Let them chase you 'til the end.
It's nice to know that what they taught,
You know, it never means a lot,
When you got me to listen to instead.