The Rain.

The win howls,
Waters rush,
The leaves rustle gustily,
But all else is hush.

The rest of the world not audible,
No screams or cries of pain,
Not another sound is heard,
Exept the pouring rain.

She sits and watches the rain,
Falling from the stars,
Her world is at peace-just for a second,
And she forgets about her scars.

Feeling a sense of freedom,
She lets out a sigh of relief,
She lets herself forget,
All her pain, sorrow, and grief.

The rain pours harder,
And thunder roars,
She takes in a long, deep breath,
Then lfts her wings and soars.

Forgetting her past, and problems,
She gracefully flies,
A great sense of pride comes over her,
And the old, insecure girl dies.

A new girl appears,
Confident and free,
There's nothing she can't do,
The world belongs to her, she holds the key.

She could help so many people,
Save so many lives,
There's no telling what she could do,
if only she wasn't so scared and shy.

The thunder stopped,
and the rain cleared.
The girl blinked and realized,
It was just as she feared.

The scared, shy girl was back,
So insecure, so unsure,
Won't someone help her?
Take a look into her world!

So she sits quietly,
Keeping her thoughts to herself,
She screaming on the inside,
Begging for help.

The wind howls,
Waters rush,
The leaves rustle gustily,
But all else is hush.