Part 1

Walking down the forest path
The breeze blowing my hair back
The blossom petals fluttering past
The blue sky and sun peek through the canopy
There’s a meadow ahead

I walk towards it, towards those sparse flowers
I long to stroll through the long grass
To feel this peacefulness for all eternity

As I slowly move through the grass,
I feel a hand grab mine
I look back and see her,
The girl of my dreams
I can’t believe she feels the same about me

I bring her along, through this field of peace
The clouds drift lazily by,
The sun lowers in the sky
We find a rise, we climb, and climb

We get to the top just in time
We nestle ourselves under the lone tree
We hold each other and relax
As we watch the sun set below the horizon
We watch the sky change colours
And eventually, under that tree,
We fall asleep in each other's arms.