Ocean of Tears

We weep for the losses
For all the goodbyes we've said
But our tears,
So open, so real
They never breathe life back into the dead
They don't bring back the sweet smiles
Or the obnoxious laughs
The tears drop into the ocean of saddness
The pain is here
It never goes away
Just waves of saddness
Crashing over me
I get so close to the surface,
Only to be crushed by another gaping wave
The water is dark, cold
The sunshine doesn't shine above
I am stuck in this ocean
No one to rescue me
I long for help
For a break
For someone to come in a ship
One that will take me to the Harbor of Happiness

No one comes

The water laps the beaches
The ones that get further away as I get closer
Yet I cry
I can't seem to stop
I want to purge my body of this pain
Of all the losses
Of all the tears
I feel like screaming, I feel like crying
The pressure is building in my chest, weighing me down
Maybe soon I can join them
Soon I can be at Heaven's gates
I can't take it
I'm drowning
The pain of missing them is too much
Just end it

End it

End my suffering,
End my pain
Let me be free
Let the ocean be a happy place
Let me see them

The tears that fall from my face
They can never bring back the
