Not so fairytale ending

The salty tears are slowly rolling over my cheeks, down my chin and to there deaths.
He said he would always be there no matter what happens.

But he is gone. Gone like the sun when it sets at night, except he doesn’t come again.

As I entered those halls this morning everyone turned to stare. That’s when I saw him with a locket in his hand. No not just a locket the locket that represented our love. That locket meant our love. If it was around our neck our love was strong, but when its off our love is dead. We never took our lockets off. And I have been dreading the day he would rip it off. I just hoped that day wouldn’t come.

I stood in shock and quickly grasped my locket. ‘NO this is all a dream’ I thought. But as he slowly walked over to me trying to meet my eyes I realized this was all reality.

“Winter. I know I said I would Never leave but I need to let go. I don’t love you as much as I once did and I can’t lie about love. I am so sorry.” With that said he dropped the locket to the ground and walked away.

I wanted to scream and cry right there, but instead I fled. I fled home and to my room where I am now. I try to understand why this has happened and try to grasp that he is not coming back. Yes I will she him at school, but it would be like we don’t even know each other.

I always wanted him to be my fairytale ending, but I guess he was the bad bit that always comes up in the middle.

I stand up and wipe away my last tear and realize that somewhere out in this world my fairytale ending will be waiting, I just need to find it.