Bad trip

Random creation from frantic degredation
A masterful plot with a twist like a knife

The artful author is juxtaposed there
Next to the teen scene heartache
A noose around my neck
To keep me grounded
Let go when I say.
Okay let go! Let go!

Drowning in my sleep
Heavy head on a stained pillow
Eyes closed shut because you don't want to see
It's your fault again, and you know you're the blame
So step up and shut up

I did this all for you and you alone
That's why I did this to myself
You say you're sorry but don't look me in the eye
Is that because looks can kill?

You do so much for me
God I wish it were true
You gave me this black eye
With sour tongue and baby eyes
Like mine, or more like yours?
We are the same aren't we?
Well aren't we my love?

If this is so wrong, why does it feel right?
If this is right, then why are things going wrong?
A fist full of glass, and a mouth full percs
I swear I didnt' tell anyone
I swore on my life!
Pull over right now!
I have to vomit.