The City Within

The willow hath sunk hateful poison
into thine dark and decrepid soul.
somewere deep, deep inside
a silver lineing resides, but
not even a gental cue could sort out
this unpleasent life.
Somewere deep,deep inside
birds beckon the chance to humble
thy lives.

My soul shines a brief light
portraying slaves being worked until
there fears are cured
or at lest bled out through their hatered.
Somewere deep,deep inside
reality is desplayed as a reasonable
acomplisment. No pain,
but what good would the scars do other
than to redeem the past.
Somewere deep,deep inside
there is good, but its not easily understood
expecially by those who are one in the same.

Inside my thoughts decay the very existance
of my life, and tho thee hath treched forth
through thick and thin one can not be blinded
by the evils that stalk to kill.
Somewere deep,deep inside there is
a world inwhich paranoia does not
express its dark side.
Somewere deep,deep inside
there is a comforting place that keeps
me alive, but for how long I can't

Inside my tangled emotions I wrestle with
Demented demons pulling my soul to hell, but
Somewere deep, deep inside
there is an army of golden angels
garding my soul with there bloodshed.
Somewere deep,deep inside
there is a city within
one that hath no evil and good reigns supreme.
A normalcy that every sane human being has,
but I seem to have found that city to late
for now I am dead.

© 2009 Austin Muratori