
i hate your eyes
i hate your smile
i hate your laugh
i hate your teeth
i hate your skin
i hate your eyes
i hate your hands
i hate your color
i hate your stomach
i hate your feet
i hate your boobs
i hate your hair
i hate you so much
i want to kill you
slit your arms until they bleed out.
shove pills down your throat
until you convulse and die
throw you off a building.
put a rope around your neck.
until you swing dead.
kill you
kill kill kill
and only you.
destroy every thing you that thought was pretty.
kill everything you love.
push away love
and pull in numbness
let him take over you
let him control you.
let him destroy you
let him consume you.
until there's nothing left.
nothing but scars
and numbness
and the only release you get
is from a 2 inch blade.
you can paint.
you can draw
you can do anything you want.
you wont get it out.
hes in you best work
hes the flaws in you.
i turn away from you. take a deep breath, turn back.
and punch you so hard you shatter.