Why Do I Love You

I love you with all my heart, but you're oblivious to how I feel.
I wish I could tell you. I wish I could show you I'm for real.
You could never love me. I'm not the type you'd go for.
Right now we're friends, but I want to be more.
You'll never see me as anything else, so why should I try?
Why do I say hello when I should be saying goodbye?
I know you'll never love me and yet I love you.
Why can't I tell you this? Why can't I be true?
I smile when you look at me and get butterflies in my tummy.
Every time I'm around you I feel like a dummy.
I trip over words and sometimes stutter.
I switch words around and tend to mutter.
Your slightest touch makes me tingle from head to toe.
I want you to be mine when I know I should let you go.
I love the way I feel when I'm by your side.
I want to show you what's on the inside.
I should abandon all hopes, dreams, and fantasies.
I'm just a friend. You're my friend. That's all we'll ever be.