She's Tired Of You

She's feeling down again,
I'm sure she's feeling torn,
All alone with time to spend,
Oh, it's nothing new, she's used to being alone...

Do you feel powerful now?
Do you feel oh, so great...
Now that you know she's sore,
Will you sleep with no regrets?

She's probably crying by now,
Letting her self-esteem go,
I just hope you know what you do,
She's so torn, it just doesn't show.

She's so independent,
She's so strong,
But behind closed doors...
The confident person is gone.

I hope it makes you feel happy,
I hope it makes you feel glad,
That you're the reason for her unhappiness,
And for her being so sad.

You always have to mock her,
You always have to criticize her,
Can't you just love her for who she is?
Is that to much to ask?

You always have to tell her how much of a mess she is,
You always have to tell her that she's a pain,
You always have to ashame her,
Every single's all the fucking same.

She's always trying to please you,
Following you like a little dog,
Well, she's tired of you,
And all she to be gone.

She wants to leave,
She wants to start over,
She wants to believe...
She wants someone that actually loves her.