The Sceme of My Life

All you do is spit I hate you,
well F*** you too!
I look in the mirror,what do I see?
a person not even good enough for me.
I try to live up to my own expectations,
But I always Fail so miserably.
I crash and burn,
thrash around in the dark and try to learn.

I may seem perfect to a person like you,
But apperances can be so very deciving.
Inside I'm broken,on my own acord,
an angel with only one wing.

Innocence and evil wrapped tightly together,
a dangerous thing I am.
Too bad I let no one see,
this bad side of me.
They might see me like I do,
as something bad... not so good,
a secret devil not a haloed angel.

I'm a bomb waiting to go off,
I swear one day it'll just be to much.
You all push my buttons,waiting for me emplode,
almost as if you want it,
but you won't get what you want,
I'll never allow you,
or moretheless I'd never show you that much weakness.

My life is my life,
so I have to keep my head.
I've already begun to lose my sanity,
So you say why didn't I stop while I was ahead?
Well I was already in too deep,
Pulling off this sceme is making me so weak.
What sceme you may ask,
The answer is quite simple,
The sceme if my life.
Don't you think I pull it off well?