The Used - Lies For The Liars - Comments

  • Were those lyrics literally intending MCR or just your insinuation just like this whole review...
    January 27th, 2009 at 07:14am
  • Okay... good for you... how about you write an article about that then, instead of telling me? :]
    June 7th, 2008 at 07:26pm
  • ok, so i don't know if posting another comment makes me seem over opinionated.

    but, i get where you're coming from, its just our opinion, and some of us just love everything about them and cant see any flaws, and I'm talking music wise, i love the album, every single song, the used have never disappointed me, I even love b-sides and demos. so yeah i guess some of us just don't see the flaws, if there are any.
    April 26th, 2008 at 05:18pm
  • Oh, right, so my review's totally irrelevant because I like MCR and compared two bands who used to hang together. Haha, yeah, that makes sense.
    I. Don't. Like. The. Lies. Lyrics.
    That doesn't make me not a fan, that doesn't make me some evil MCR obsessive conspiring against The Used - whom I actually prefer - it just means that I'm disappointed in their lyrics compared to their earlier stuff.
    Oh, and "breakingdawn" - they hung out together. What difference does it make who hung out with whom? =/
    Don't tell me to get my fact right. Every fact I post is perfectly correct, thankyouverymuch.

    And I am so sick of people thinking just because we're fans, it's fucking blasphemy to point out fault.
    April 20th, 2008 at 01:22pm
  • ugh.
    i am so sick of people comparing the used to my chem, they sound NOTHING alike, i agree with kalynn, they write about most of the same stuff berts just more blunt,, i dont get how you can think some of the songs sound like the black parade, they sound completely different, and not every effing song bert writes is about GERARD, he probably has more rivals then just My Chem, hmmph.
    April 19th, 2008 at 01:10pm
  • Ok so that is your opinion and more power to you.
    But can't compare the 2 albums.
    They're nothing alike.
    And you can't say that just because The Used decided on a new sound that they are somehow trying to compete with MCR.
    I can see that you're an MCR fan.
    But if you seriously have a problem with The Used why bother reviewing the album?!?!
    April 19th, 2008 at 01:05pm
  • I finally see why you're posting reviews like this - you're an MCR fan!
    Please never compare The Used to My Chem ever again - they are non comparable and The Used don't deserve it.
    Oh and by the way - MCR were always the band who were known for hanging out with The Used.
    Get your facts right and pull your head out.
    April 19th, 2008 at 12:54pm
  • Oh dear.
    What is your problem?
    I am not going to defend my review. Do you people not understand what a review is?
    One person's opinion on a subject.
    [i]''this doesnt mean that the used just threw a bunch of lyrics and music together and called it a cd.''[/i]
    Did I say that? No.
    [i]'' chems new album (wich i dont think is all that "epic.''[/i]
    Good for you. Maybe you should go write a review on it.
    [i]''...the bird and the worm, in one way or another it is about self pitying emo kids, but seriously, who cares.''[/i]
    Why bother mentioning it if you agree with me and don't care?
    ''[i]what am i then, i didnt laugh at it, i clearly didnt cower in fear, and im not a big fan of MCR but i still loved it. ''[/i]
    Jesus. It. Was. A. Joke. Did I ever even suggest that only MCR fans would love it? No.
    I have no problem with people voicing their opinions, but please, don't attack me because I offended The Used's lyrics. I. Didn't. Like. Them.
    Get the fuck over it and calm down.
    December 21st, 2007 at 04:40am
  • ok, that was your opinion, this is mine.I dont think its fair to compair this album to MCR's recent cd. the black parade is a concept album, and clearly requires more hard work and effort than making a non concept album. this doesnt mean that the used just threw a bunch of lyrics and music together and called it a cd. i dont think lies for the liar resemble anything close to my chems new album (wich i dont think is all that "epic"). and as for the bird and the worm, in one way or another it is about self pitying emo kids, but seriously, who cares. and just because the lyrics are more straightforward and not a tangled web of words like MCR doesnt mean they suck. and if your going to compair "smother me" to anything (and whilst on the topic of MCR) i would compare it to "cancer" both slowish piano songs with a protruding drum beat. the lyrics of caner make it seem sad, like its all over, whereas smother me at least has that bit of hope of someone still wanting to love."you bleed just like you puke while running a mile" there, thats an exact example of a twisted web of lyrics, not straightforward, makes you think to know what it means. "Hardcore fans will laugh at it, mainstream pop fans will cower in fear, and MCR fans will probably love it" what am i then, i didnt laugh at it, i clearly didnt cower in fear, and im not a big fan of MCR but i still loved it.
    November 6th, 2007 at 02:24pm
  • Their new music did seem quite different. I have yet to get the album, though. Haha. I really want to hear the song "Smother Me" now. Just to see what you mean.
    October 29th, 2007 at 08:51pm
  • Thank you. :]
    Reviews are entitled to be somewhat critical, you know...
    October 14th, 2007 at 03:36am
  • i loved the cd. and liar liar & pretty-handoms awkward were my favorite songs, im gonna say anything bad since its your opinion and your just stating it
    October 14th, 2007 at 01:17am
  • Please don't tell me to listen to the CD. I did. Many times. That's how I decided how crap the lyrics were.
    I'm sure if you read some other reviews for this CD, you'd see that I'm not alone in thinking they're bad.
    But whatever. My review, my opinion. End of.
    October 10th, 2007 at 12:50am
  • I have this cd and I think that it is very good.. I listen to it quite a lot actually.. but I think that the backstreat boys thing isnt right.. Bert writes the lyrics the same as gerard does.. they are practically about the same shit.. Just Gerard seems to have a different perspective on love.. and likes to fiddle your brain and use tricky messed up lines and make you unravel them. Bert is just straight to the point.. now I know, that this is your opinion, but I think that you need to listen to the cd a little better..
    October 9th, 2007 at 09:55am