Adelphia - A Skylit Drive

Adelphia - A Skylit Drive A Skylit Drive released their album Adelphia on June 9, 2009 which peaked number 64 on the billboard charts following this release. Now that I have the album in my hands where shall I begin. The band formed in Lodi, California in 2006 and they released an EP in early 2007. With another album and a record deal under their belts they are no longer considered newbies to the scene.

When it comes down to it, with the loss of former singer Jordan Blake the band had been served a tough blow but they came out stronger than ever. Michael “Jag” Jagmin whom was with Odd Day Project before A Skylit Drive, his vocals are more precise and higher pitched sounding than his predecessor's. He added a new mix to the band. On this album one would expect something similar to the band's previous release, Wires and The Concept of Breathing. Listeners were surprised at a more harder sound, as well as an even mixing of techniques used from each member.

We begin our journey with the song Prelude to A Dream. Jagmin begins this with an almost beautiful, dare I say, melody. Cory La Quay’s growls shock this song, which in the breakdown has an almost electrical feel, with different keyboard keyed melodies, fitted around a guitar.

As I listened to this CD I noticed my hands and feet were constantly moving, the music never had a poor point where the beat would end, another would pick up. Moving onto Running with the Light.

Jagmin’s harmony with the other two vocalists in the band leaves nothing to the imagination. The second I put this song on I was rushed with the feeling of quality musicianship and production; overall, I would give this song as being the best on the record.

Moving forward to It's Not Ironic, It's Obvious, it begins with a guitar intro followed with a drum break, then Jag enters his voice aligned with the song almost perfectly. The lyrics quite state this albums accuracy of penmanship for itself.

I would recommend this album as the starting for those wanting to get into A Skylit Drive, it gives you a breakdown of their first album and the next in their career. The boys have been quoted as saying they are going into the studio once more to be a part of a new Punk Goes... compilation.

I urge you if you have free time to pick up this album and give it a listen, you will not regret it.

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