Lostprophets - The Betrayed

Lostprophets - The Betrayed The band had plans for the release in 2007 after a budget blowing set of recording sessions early in the year but for reasons explained by the band as purely because they were unhappy with the outcomes, all recordings where binned and the band went back to square number one deciding to record and produce the whole album themselves. A bold move for a band that could be described as not fully broken through, but was it all worth it?

The album boasts a darker side to the band, going back to the persona of a cleaner-cut version of The Fake Sound Of Progress with heavy riffs, dark lyrics but still the little glimpse of light-hearted wordplay in the background. You start off with an intro track 'If it wasn't for hate we'd be dead by now' which provides a small insight into how different this album actually is to what you would consider newer 'Lostprophets' material even hosting a slight synthesized feel. Next up comes a vowel deprived 'Dstryr/Dstryr' which has even raised questions among the more extreme viewed fans whether the song could actually be classed as Satanic, with lines such as 'I've got the rope so hang your Jesus even higher' it could easily be portrayed as such but I think there's something a little less demonic behind them, it depends on how you interpret such lyrics. If I had a vote though I would name 'Dstryr' as my favourite track of the album, it's harsh dynamics (if played loud enough) could easily take my breathe away.

Unless you've been hiding in a cave somewhere along the valleys you would of heard the next two songs pretty frequently over the past month or so! Yep, 'It's not the end of the world' and 'Where we belong' are lined up next on the album ! It's not the end gives us a look at the rock-ier Lostprophets that everyone knows and loves while 'Where we belong' provides a slower more anthem like melody that could get anyone humming along. Yeah these two songs have been played countless times... but they never get old! Next Stop, Atro City? This song is probably a mix of so many different bands with it's catchy areas split between screaming and drum beats that would make your head sore, you would wonder if they based it that way or just couldn't make up their minds on where this song should actually stand! Although I'm not saying it's a bad thing but I feel the song could provide a little more heat than what it's giving! If they knew the direction in which this song was heading they'd probably hit top marks! The next two up seem to be directed for the live shows, which makes them all that more sweeter! 'For He's A Jolly Good Felon' demands that you sing along and you sing loud! Followed by 'A Better Nothing' & 'Streets Of Nowhere' your hit with concert paradise, three songs that catch you with melodies and carry you through with hit punchlines and sing-along choruses that would get anyone up jumping! I seriously can't wait to see these songs live, it's sure to be a treat! 'Dirty Little Heart' is a real gem on this album, with some great riffs and the soothing vocals from Mr Watkins it really hits the spot! The lyrics although solemn the song is still uplifting, there's nothing released here to weigh the song down. It's a light-hearted soft rock-fest that provides release from the rest of the album which is slightly darker. First thing I heard people talking about on this album apart from the released singles of course was 'Darkest Blue' so many fans were crediting this their favourite song of the album! I'll admit it took me a few listens to find their point but now I definitely would rate it as one of my favourites, it has so many great Lostprophet’s qualities and will definitely be one of their signature hits alongside 'Rooftops' and 'Last Train Home'. A pure 4 minute indulgence track!

Their outro track 'The Light That Burns Twice As Bright' is a very solemn affair, with a slow start and a very slight increase in intensity it acts as a perfect fade out without boring you to death like most exiting pieces. The end of the track though is not expected but gives the track what an album like 'The Betrayed' requires, it'll stay in the back of your mind! One of my long awaited albums and I have honestly fell in love with it, an amazing show from our welsh lads!

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