MGMT: Congratulations

MGMT: Congratulations A lot of old fans claim to be disappointed by the new MGMT album, Congratulations. None of the songs on Congratulations are instant dance hits like "Kids" or "Time to Pretend"; Andrew and Ben have stated that in multiple interviews. The bottom line is, if you're looking for another Oracular Spectacular, you will not find it here.

That being said, Congratulations has a more coherent feel compared to Oracular Spectacular. There is less keyboard and synthesizer; there's a mix of old rock and that MGMT vibe to it. VanWyngarden has more range to his voice, and he also sounds clearer. Congratulations is quirky, clever, and displays who MGMT is as a band now, rather than the eclectic collection of songs that was Oracular Spectacular.

This is a great album for those who want to experience new things, and those who are huge fans of MGMT. The whole point is to keep an open mind, and not to expect another "Time to Pretend" or "Kids." All bands grow and shape into their own entities, and we have to let MGMT do the same; we can't expect the same thing over and over again, and I think that's the problem with a lot of the feedback people have given them. "Time to Pretend" and "Kids" are in the past; let MGMT move into the future.

To hear the entire album before purchasing it, you can listen on the MGMT website.

I hope you guys will enjoy this album as much as I do.

Key songs: Flash Delirium, Brian Eno, Congratulations.

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